The red dot helps golfers close the gap between feel and real!



More Consistent Address Position

Learn how to tell where your chest is pointing, which helps prevent golfers from unknowingly addressing the ball with an open or closed stance.

One-Piece Takeaway

The laser makes it easy to learn how to make a consistent one-piece takeaway. Simply start the club back while rotating the body, so the club and red dot move together.

Groove Your Backswing

Checking where the red dot crosses the hands helps ensure you rotate consistently, while seeing it cross the forearms indicates either pulling or lifting the arms.

More Compact Swing

Golfers often struggle with overswinging. The red dot provides an indication of when to transition back to the downswing, which helps prevent overswinging.

Maintain Spine Tilt

Anyone who's struggled with early extension knows how hard it is to stay in posture during the golf swing. My Perfect Pivot shows how to maintain spine tilt until impact.

Shape Your Shots

With the My Perfect Pivot, you'll learn how to swing in-to-out and out-to-in, making it easier to hit draws and fades. You'll also learn how to add or decrease loft for high and low shots.

More Speed and Distance

By focusing on how rapidly the red dot goes from the backswing to the finish position, you can generate more speed through a quicker rotation, leading to massive distance gains.

Improve Pitching & Chipping

Because the device is adjustable, you can set it to work on syncing the chest and club for better pitching and chipping around the green.