About Us

My Perfect Pivot is a result of decades spent chasing a better golf swing.  I golfed when I was younger, but I became truly obsessed with golf in my mid 20s.  To me, golf was a complex equation with codes I might one day crack and the secrets revealed to me as though it appeared to do for Ben Hogan and Moe Norman.

As a result, I studied the golf swing in intricate detail, reading any golf book I could get my hands on, and watching literally thousands of hours of golf instruction on VHS tapes, DVDs, and the internet.  Of course, I practiced as much as my full-time job would allow and I bought training aids.  I bought lots of training aids.  Really, lots of them, and I made a fair number of my own as well.

In the middle of the pandemic, I was watching a golf instruction video from Athletic Motion Golf on YouTube, as I had done countless times before, because they often show exactly what pro golfers do that amateur golfers don't do.  In this video, they talked about returning the chest to the same place at impact as address and imagining if a laser was coming out of the chest.  I immediately paused the video, ran to the garage, and started building my first prototype.  Given my experience, I knew that there was no such training aid on the market.

As the project developed, with significant help from my father-in-law, I realized that this type of device could provide insights into almost every aspect of the golf swing -- address, the takeaway, the backswing, overswinging, weight shift, swing path, club face control, shot shapes, and speed, which results in more distance.  I could see the benefits in my own swing, even as a weekend hacker, and I grew more and more excited to share this project of passion with the rest of the golfing world.  

I have no doubt that by using the My Perfect Pivot for a few minutes a day, a couple of times a week, you'll rapidly gain more insights into your golf swing than ever before.  It truly teaches you how the body is moving and works to close the gap between feel and real.  It's the training aid that I wished I had discovered decades ago.  I hope it brings you as much excitement for golf as it has for me.